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The Gateway Process

  • What is The Gateway Process?
    It is very simple actually, because it requires no talk therapy, no medications, and in fact, it is not ‘medical’ in nature at all. It is simply a visualization technique that I will coach/guide you through. It is almost like a guided meditation, self-hypnosis, neuro-linguistic programming all wrapped up in one session. It is unique in that I can typically neutralize your trauma within 1-2 hours (one appointment). I will be guiding you through different ‘scenes’, in color, in black and white, events moving forwards and backwards. I will be asking random questions during this process that won’t make sense, but they are very important in this process as it ‘locks in the changes’ properly. Please do not spend time on these random questions. I need to keep moving through the process smoothly. If you have any questions about what you are supposed to visualize during the process, please ask for clarification, as this is important too. I ask that you take your time to make sure you get it right. It is a lot of visualization work, and you will most likely be tired afterwards. Please rest after, but do not think about what we did. And it is also important that you go to bed early to ensure enough sleep for REM and deep sleep phases where a lot of the healing occurs. Your brain will be doing a lot of work! I will remind you of these important points during our session. This is not EMDR as many have asked. It involves zero ‘talk therapy’. My goal is to not keep you as a client. My goal is to help you in one session. Many other modalities require weeks of ongoing therapy, which can be costly, and have mixed results. In my research, I haven't found any other modality that has such a high success rate. Over 90% only need one appointment. There are a few with more severe trauma that find that the first session helps them tremendously, and their score reflects this, but they want another session to clear the rest. Very few need a 3rd session to bring the score down to PTSD-free range (less than 20).
  • What is included in the cost?
    The initial session may take up to 2 hours, rarely is it more than that, but it does happen. The neurological brain rewiring technique is more powerful and effective than years of therapy, saving clients thousands of dollars. My goal is to eliminate your PTSD symptoms in one session. I do the same process for everyone, and the client is doing the 'work'. I am simply the guide to show you the way. We then schedule a follow up test after two weeks. If your score is not decreased to a value under 20, we will do a follow up at 4 weeks, and then again at 6 weeks to watch the changes in your PSSI-5 score. All follow up assessments are included.
  • How does it work?
    Trauma is stored in the amygdala, which is unnecessary. This is your subconscious. It is stored here so you can be ready for the next trauma. This leaves you in ‘fight/flight’, emergency mode, or in medical terminology, sympathetic nervous system dominance. This isn’t healthy for your body being constantly hypervigilant, with anxiety, which leaves you feeling depressed and exhausted. Life is hard living like this. When you are living in ‘fight/flight’, your body is not in homeostasis (balance). All of your systems are unbalanced because your body needs to use all of your energy resources ‘to survive’. This results in dis-ease and dis-order. Cancer, heart disease, stroke, hormonal imbalances, adrenal imbalances, digestive disorders, sleep problems, addictions (drug, alcohol, food, etc), and many mental disorders. ‘Armoring’ causes constant muscle tightness, wear and tear of the body, which also leaves you feeling exhausted. You may not be able to take a complete, FULL breath. Having PTSD is hard work!! In this modality, I will guide you to neurologically disconnect the event from the amygdala. When you extract the event, you will then separate the event from the emotion attached. You will then store the emotion in the hippocampus, and the event in the cerebellum. Your body will then understand the event as ‘just a story that happened’ without the emotion attached. It will feel neutral. Your body won’t be storing the emotions that keep you in fight/flight anymore. This is the goal. Your body can relax and move into homeostasis (balance).
  • Do I talk about my trauma?
    No, I do not want you to talk about your trauma. In fact, I ask you to not talk about the troubling events from your past. We are working to elicit your trauma from where it is improperly stored. When you talk about it, it only reinforces that neurological connection as if you are living it again. When you feel these emotions, your body doesn’t know the difference between being in the trauma, or just talking about it. This is why ‘talk therapy’ doesn’t work. I am not a licensed therapist. I am a coach trained to guide you through this healing modality. And as a reminder, you do not have to share any details of your troubling events.
  • Is this in person or online?
    We do this modality online, with Zoom. You can do this on your computer or phone (with the zoom app). I will send you a link via email before your appointment. It will take 1-2 hours to complete the process. Please be sure you are free from distractions, including your phone or others in your household, pets, etc. You will need to be able to concentrate during this process. For the follow up, which is included with the initial fee, I will call you via phone 10-14 days following your session.
  • Does this work for everyone?
    There are a few cases when this does not work. There are some mental conditions that prevent this from working. We will determine who will be eligible after receiving the initial assessment test we send to you when you make your appointment. There are a select few that we will not be able to help. We do not want to waste your time, or our time. I highly recommend that you give yourself space and time for rest after a sesssion, including the next day. It's important that you take time for you, for healing. If you go back to a stressful situation (home/work/life) immediately following our session, it may not be as effective. If you play 'victim', and enjoy talking about and getting attention from your negative circumstances, talking incessantly about how hard your life is, spend time in 'poor me' mode, this will not work for you. Focusing so much attention on 'life is hard' is a program, and it's also a habit, so please address 'victim responsibility' before making an appointment with me. If you are a parent wanting this for your child, your child has to want it. They can't have an attitude of not caring, or they won't put in the effort. If you have to 'talk them into it' or 'convince' someone to do this, it has a greater chance of not working. They have to want it. If it is your child, I suggest having them work for the money to pay for it. When people 'have a foot in the game' and invested in their well-being, it works! I do the same for everyone, same sequence of visualizations. It is entirely up to the client if this is successful. Sometimes the idea of visualization brings up a concern for some. Here is an example: Close your eyes. Take a couple of deep breaths, relax. Now think of your favorite food. You can engage your senses. With food, imagine how it tastes, how does it feel in your hand, or in your mouth? How does it smell? You are using visualization in recalling this. You are not actually looking at it to ‘see’ it. You aren’t eating the food, or touching it. But you are ‘experiencing’ it through visualization. Don’t squint your eyes, relax your eyes. Keep your body relaxed. Don’t think too hard about visualization. Many people overthink it. Everyone has different experiences, so results will also vary for everyone. This is expected. Trauma manifests differently, at different levels, for each person. And one person's trauma isn’t worse than another. One person may exhibit more PTSD symptoms from being bullied in school a few times, compared to someone who had ongoing ‘war battle’ trauma. The body doesn’t score the trauma, but it does manifest very similarly in survivors, and holds onto it. It does ‘keep the score’ with remembering (storing in the subconscious) the event/events, because it manifests physically. Do not think, ‘my trauma wasn’t as bad as someone else’s and therefore I don’t deserve this’. If your body is still experiencing the negative emotions from the past, that is all that matters, and I can guide you through this process to work on clearing that so you can be healthy and balanced and enjoy your life. Common features of PTSD (not an exhaustive list): •Emotional flashbacks (triggered in the present, feeling powerless, overdramatic emotions) •Toxic shame (feeling flawed, loathsome, ugly, stupid, worthless) •Isolating Self (social anxiety, phone anxiety, avoidance) •Hypervigilance (extreme startle reflex, hypersensitivity to lights, sounds, touch, etc) •Tyrannical Inner and/or Outer Critic (harsh critical words to self) •Feelings of loneliness or abandonment •Self abandonment (lack of self love, self care) •Fragile Self-Esteem •Constant frustration with life in general •Relationship difficulties •Oversensitivity to stress •Suicidal Ideation •Sleep problems •Lacking energy •Anxiety •Depression
  • I have been diagnosed with _____ mental disorder, can this help?
    There are a lot of crossover symptoms to many diagnosed mental disorders, so many are misdiagnosed when it is really PTSD and can be treated with this process. We cannot make that determination whether yours is a legitimate diagnosis, or if it is a manifestation of PTSD. If you see many other crossover symptoms from other mental disorders, it may just be PTSD. Personally, I had symptoms of ADHD (couldn’t focus, distracted easily), Anxiety (social anxiety, phone anxiety), Depression (tired all the time, discouraged about life), OCD (preferring order), Panic Disorder (social anxiety), Dissociative Disorder (‘checking out’ or zoning out of the present), Narcissistic Disorder (not seeing my triggers and then ‘fighting’ that I was right) and even some Autism traits (hypersensitivity). For me, I could check some of the boxes on each, but I probably wouldn’t be officially diagnosed with any of them. It was confusing. In some, it may manifest like Bipolar Disorder. Personally, I believe many mental diagnostics are misdiagnosis, maybe not all, but again, we don’t know. My son had a ‘sleeping disorder’, and it was suggested that it was the most rare form, KLS. He would sleep 18-24 hours a day, unproductive, not able to make eye contact when awake, lethargic, unfocused, depressed. With this modality, he is now sleeping a normal 8 hours a day, focused, confident, great eye-contact, engaged and motivated. It wasn’t just a sleeping disorder which they just threw pills at to help him ‘cope’. PTSD typically affects your ‘executive function’ of your brain in the frontal lobe. The challenges are being able to focus, working memory, goals and planning. This is a common manifestation. Many are experiencing PTSD symptoms after living in a state of fear with the pandemic. Being in a constant state of fear leads to PTSD. So it doesn’t necessarily need to be one traumatic event. Just like being bullied in school, being in a constant state of fear, not feeling ‘safe’, can manifest as PTSD. As you can see, there are many, many symptoms. You may have some, or all. You may have some that are stronger symptoms than others, or less. Either way, it is different for everyone, and your results will be different because of this. It is advised to read over the changes others notice, so you can be mindful of your changes. You may read about changes others have had and have that ‘a-ha’ moment and look back and see it in yourself. So, really be mindful starting the day after your session with me. Take notes. And after 10-14 days, I will re-test you, and get your ‘after’ score. We will talk about changes you have noticed with this follow up appointment.
  • I'm still in my traumatic situation. Will this help?
    That is really difficult to determine. Everyone is different. For some, it helps significantly. This brings your 'executive function' part of your brain back 'online' which helps you think logically. It also helps you plan, goal setting, it helps with memory, and focus. I have had clients that have stated that it has helped them move through their current trauma more easily, but I have also had clients that needed an additional session because of the trauma. I recommend doing what feels best for you personally. It's like the old saying; you throw the coin in the air, and hope it lands on a particular side, heads or tails. You already know intuitively what you need to do. And first and foremost, you need to take care of yourself. It is best for you to be out of a traumatic situation, but for some that is hard to navigate. This could give you the tools you need to handle your situation more logically. But always, do what you feel is best for you. Trust your intuition.
  • After you clear my trauma, is it permanent?
    Yes! It doesn't 'come back'. Once the event is removed from the amygdala (subconscious), and the new neuro-pathway is established, it is permanent. If you experience a new traumatic event in your life, you may find that you process it in a more logical way (not emotionally 'reactive'), but if you have symptoms arise from this trauma, you may want another session. I have had clients come back after a new trauma occurs, since their session. All clients state that the traumas they were cleared of previously are still 'neutral'.
  • When will I notice changes?
    I’ve noticed 3 types of responses from my clients – every person is different and one way isn’t better or less than another. Immediate: you feel a massive shift right away – immediate changes in your physiology, thoughts and behaviors right in the session. Incremental: You see consistent shifts every day and over time. Retroactive: You experience an increase of symptoms temporarily and then a subtle to profound shift daily and overall. Sometimes clients will notice feeling more emotional in the following days. I recommend allowing the energy to be expressed and released. It has been stuck inside of you for a long time.
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